Gulab is a very popular fragrance in the Pure range of incense sticks, bringing the essence of the rose to our patrons. Use it for all-day freshness and sweetness.
Kewda is a uniquely Indian scent that is, at the same time, sweet and moist. It’s cooling properties have made it a very popular choice in the warm climes of the country.
Champa, from the sweet smelling the yellow-white flower, is a favorite of many divine beings and a boon to your devotional practice.
Loban is the classic fragrance of worship throughout the Middle East and South Asia and always strikes the right chords for devotion and prayer. This earthy fragrance is a must at auspicious occasions.
Desert Spice evokes the best notes of sandy stretches, bringing their romance to your habitat. Use it any time during the day for a light, sensuous experience.
French Lavender is a sophisticated and soft fragrance originally from the mountainous regions of the Mediterranean. It brings a certain earthiness and relaxation to every space that it inhabits.
3 in 1 combines the best of three fragrances from the Naturals range, providing a selection that is great for everyday use with a variety suited for different moods.
Pure Chandan brings the classic sandalwood in its best form to the Naturals range of Power Point incense sticks. Specially created for use with prayer, the fragrance creates the perfect ambiance for devotion and meditation.
Fresh Jasmine is an energetic and enthusiastic fragrance from the Naturals range with wide appeal. The fragrance has rejuvenating properties and is suited for all kinds of spaces to lighten up the atmosphere.
Shahi Rose brings a royal quality to the universally appreciated king of flowers, the rose. Light it up for a sweet experience at any time of the day or night.
Mogra is a fragrance that captures the essence of this sweet-smelling flower for an experience that is sensuous and refreshing.
Chandan brings the best out of the classic sandalwood for a fragrance that is both refreshing and universally pleasing. Equally good for devotional uses as well as setting a pleasant ambiance at home.
Trikaya means the three parts of every human’s spiritual existence in the material world. This 3-in-1 combination of fragrances brings together the best of three aromas from the Divine range. This pack is good for everyday use as well as for special occasions.
Satya means virtue and being truthful in one’s thought, speech, and action. The fragrance is made with the best ingredients, ensuring that aroma stays true to its purpose of creating the right ambiance for inner peace.
Satvik denotes righteousness and virtuosity that ensures a wholesome and long life. This is an incense created with a focus on nobility of the spirit and is meant especially for morning and evening prayers.
Sanskar means tradition and maintaining the highest principles in one’s conduct. The incense is specially created for the Indian household for everyday use, starting with early morning meditation and to ward off negativity.
Sai is that enlightened being that you can trust for your spiritual awakening and destiny. This very special fragrance creates an atmosphere of mysticism and an ambiance that is perfect for connecting with the divine and setting yourself on the spiritual path.
3 in 1 combines the best of three fragrances from the Fusion range, striking the right balance between everyday use and scents for special occasions.
Angel is light and magical incense which combines many special elements and aromas that sure to mesmerize and entice. Suited for use at any time of the day, it’s a delight to have at home or the office.
Mystic is a very special fragrance using secret ingredients that help you tap into the higher energies and the mysteries of the inner universe. While staying light, it manages to evoke mysticism and devotion, suitable for yoga and meditation.